The Brown Sisters Foundation is the continued legacy of Helen and Barbara Brown. We exist to help make God’s love visible among distressed communities by partnering with those organizations who embody God’s heart for the poor, and providing leverage to help them accomplish their work more effectively. We fund primarily Catholic organizations whose purpose is outreach and service to the poor, with a specific emphasis on youth, and with a heart to dignify and empower those they serve towards self-sufficiency. Our funding is leverage-based, to help an existing organization become more sustainable, increase its impact, broaden its services, launch new initiatives, or expand its capacity.

  • The sisters


    Barbara and Helen Brown were unique women who have left a legacy that will far outlive them and created an impact that extends beyond their reach to change and bless and better our world. They remain an example of stewardship, generosity, and possibility. learn more …

  • Core values


    There are a few values that drive our work:

    • We believe God’s heart beats first for the poor.
    • We believe the image of the immortal God is present in every person.
    • We believe everyone has inherent value and something to contribute.
    • We believe it takes a village.
    • We want to be candid.

    learn more …

  • Our priorities


    We view our investment in grantees as a partnership towards common objectives. We’re looking for “Fit” in a few primary ways:

    Check out our Grant Process to consider applying. learn more …

  • How we invest


    The Brown Sisters Foundation offers matching grants, challenge grants, or grants that are intended to generate leverage for your organization during critical junctures or unique opportunities.

    There are also specific types of projects we are most interested in funding. learn more …

We consider it a priority to be as candid and accessible as possible for organizations seeking funding.

2024 Grant Cycle

We are no longer accepting LOIs for the 2024 Grant Cycle. Those organizations whose LOIs demonstrate the strongest fit will be invited to submit a full application. These invitations are issued via email in late July and full applications are due on August 21. A subset of those applicants will be invited to present to our Board of Directors in mid-October, and the grant period will run from November 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025.

What We Fund and How

The Brown Sisters Foundation funds faith-based, tax-exempt organizations that work to support economically disadvantaged communities, with a specific focus on young people. All eligible proposals must be located in the St. Louis, Missouri region (USA) within a ~20 mile radius of Forest Park, and must have a challenge grant component. The Brown Sisters Foundation has one annual funding cycle, with project periods running from November 1st to December 31st of the following calendar year (14 months).

Project requests should seek to increase the organization’s ability to accomplish its work, deepen its impact, expand its capacity, become more sustainable or resilient, launch new initiatives/programs, innovate, or provide leverage in some other way. All proposals should include a challenge component.

We encourage organizations to ask for what they need to support a strategically designed leverage-based project. It is rare for the Foundation to make grants larger than $50,000. Our average grant size is $20,000.

To make sure your organization is a strong fit before applying, please review our Funding Priorities and How We Invest to create financial and missional leverage.


Annual Funding Timeline

Each year, our grant cycle begins in early summer. We do not accept proposals outside of our annual grant process. Typically, our grant process is as follows:

  • Late June/Early July: Letters of Inquiry Due. A short Letter of Inquiry (LOI) is intended to help both the organization and the Brown Sisters Foundation determine whether a project/organization meets the criteria and priorities of the Foundation, without asking the organization to invest a great deal of time in the application process.  We accept LOIs from any interested agency who meets our funding criteria.
  • July & August: Full Grant Application. Those organizations that pose the strongest fit will be invited to submit a full application. We only accept full grant applications from agencies that we have invited to do so. These invitations are issued via email in late July/early August and full applications are due in late August.
  • Mid-October: Board Presentations. Of those organizations that submit a full application, candidates with the strongest fit will be invited to share a short presentation with our Board of Directors in mid-October.
  • Late October: Funding Decisions Announced. Organizations will be notified of funding by late-October and in most cases the grant period starts November 1 and runs through December 31 of the following calendar year (14 months).


Missouri Common Grant Application

The Brown Sisters Foundation uses a modified version of the Missouri Common Grant Application. 

For those interested in the basic application format, you can view the generic application template and a helpful User Guide on Philanthropy Missouri’s website

We make minor adjustments each year and send out our customized full grant application to those agencies who have been identified through our Letter of Inquiry (LOI) process. The LOI process is open to any agency who meets our funding criteria. However, we do not accept unsolicited proposals for our full application process.

We’re proud of our partners and are constantly learning from their work. Check out our grant portfolio to gain a feel for the type of partnership that makes a good fit. Click on each grantee below to learn more about that partnership. Check out more about our funding priorities and grant process.
Apply for a grant

  • A Seat at the Table (ASATT)

  • Angel Baked Cookies – North Grand Neighborhood Services

  • Archdiocesan Elementary Schools

  • Bethlehem Lutheran Church

  • Breakdown St. Louis

  • Bridge of Hope

  • Cardinal Ritter College Preparatory High School

  • Catholic Legal Assistance Ministries

  • Catholic Urban Programs: Griffin Center

  • Christian Activity Center

  • Community Hope Center

    Community Hope Center

  • Compass Educational Programs

  • Connections to Success

  • Cornerstone Corporation

  • Crisis Aid International

  • Criminal Justice Ministry

    Criminal Justice Ministry

  • CrossRoads Counseling

  • De La Salle Middle School

  • Depaul USA

  • Dutchtown Outreach

  • Elevate USA

  • Faith Ascent Ministries

  • Humanitri

  • Faith Lutheran Church

  • Immigrant Home English Learning Program (IHELP)

  • Kingdom House

    Kingdom House

  • Kirkwood Area Every Child Promise

  • LOVEtheLOU

  • Loyola Academy

  • Lutheran Development Group

  • Marian Middle School

  • Midtown Catholic – City Greens Market

  • Mission St. Louis

    Mission: St. Louis

  • Most Holy Trinity School

  • New City Fellowship

  • Oasis International

  • One Classroom

    One Classroom

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and School

  • Pregnancy Help Center

  • R3 Development

  • Refuge and Restoration

  • Rosati-Kain

    Rosati-Kain Academy

  • St. Louis Crisis Nursery

    Saint Louis Crisis Nursery & South City Church

  • Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School

  • Society of St. Vincent dePaul

    Society of St. Vincent dePaul Belleville Council

  • South City Community School


  • St. Francis Community Services

  • St. Francis Xavier College Church

  • St. Joseph Housing Initiative (SJHI)

  • St. Mary’s South Side Catholic High School

  • Tabernacle Community Development Corporation

  • Thrive Pregnancy Resource Center

  • Vitendo4Africa

  • Urban K-Life

  • Women in Charge

Interested in applying for a grant? Please check out our funding priorities, how we invest, and our grant process.

If it seems like a good fit, please click here to join our mailing list and receive updates about the Brown Sisters Foundation grant process.

Please, write your name. Please, insert your e-mail address. Please, leave a message.